Oct 2, 2009

24th June 2009

* Family outing at AMK *

On our way to AMK central...


Everyone's there except the both of us...

The kids table...

The adult table except for Amos and Felicia...

I want to take a proper photo but all busy eating...

Amelia and Shermaine...

Alicia and I...


Us again...

Cute Amelia...

I don't even have the time to eat...

All the mess...

More and more food coming in...

Finally it's Amelia's turn to take a photo with me...

Aunt and mummy...



*ah huh*

I haven even swallow my food...

Group photo...
A few of them not ready...

One more shot...

Pretty Alicia...


Mummy and sister...

All the female...

Junjie really sucks at taking photos...

Why is Amelia so grumpy...?

See her sulking face...

What a reluctant smile..

What the hell is mummy doing...?!

Went to the arcade for a while...

Then headed to the supermarket...

One last shot before I leave...

Good night...