Oct 2, 2009

12th July 2009

* Sister's Birthday *

Woke up at 7am just to do make up for her...

She's got performance in her church...

After this I went out with mummy...

We went over to aunt's house in the evening...
Happy Amelia with her water bombs...

This pail is for her...

Preparing the water bomb balloon I bought for them...

Look at all the pails...

Amelia helping out...


The birthday girl and the darlings...

I had no idea whose phone was that...

Why she kept showing the phone...?

Still holding on the phone...?

Think my my mummy wanna take it away...

Amelia join in the fun...

Too many shots of them...

Amelia darling...

The both of them...

I see the phone again...

Just what are they doing...?

Amelia darling...


Talking about picnic...

Aunt cracking a joke again...

Still can't decide when to have the picnic...

Mango cake...

Yelling away...

Who is she talking to...?


Staring at her cake...

Finally a better shot of her...

The Choo family members...

I'm tired...

Grandma and sis...

My little sister...

Adeline always missing...

The 2 cute darlings...

Time to sing the birthday song...?

No, still got 1 more shot...

Make a wish, make a wish...

They join in the fun too...

Happy birthday to you little sis...

Let's enjoy the cake...

Time for water bombing...

All attack Shermaine...

Do you have to go up the stairs...?

All wet...


The end...

She was left outside...