Oct 2, 2009

15th July 2009

* Sister's birthday celebration at Party World *

What's so funny...?

I think she's cracking a lame joke...

The 3 of us...


Brother trying to act like a blind man...

Candid shot by mum...

Best siblings...

Mummy and son...

Arriving at Yishun Safra...

Daddy's the first one to start singing loh...

Family photo...

Why is daddy still holding on to the mic...?!

So much feelings...


Brother's solo...

Mummy's solo...

The birthday girl...

Love her much much...

Being forced to smile...

Us singing a duet...

Sister took a video of us singing...

Mummy singing duet with brother...

Look at what brother is doing when mummy's singing...


Trying to irritate mummy...

Brother singing with sister...

Sister's turn...

Brother's solo again...

Idiot, why isn't he looking at the camera...?!

That's better...

This is the best...!

Cute little sister...

Ignore my messy hair...

Happy us...

Mummy blinked...!

Stupid brother...

Daddy's girl...

Mummy's girl...

The siblings...

One on each side...

Time to go home...!