Oct 9, 2009

25th September 2009

* Working for 'Krunked' @ PowerHouse *

My door bastard...
Haven start work already acting cranky...

The door bitch and door bastard...?

Yup, it's us...

Sleepy Dave...

Melvin and Dave...

Our job...

Caught "eating snake"...!

What the hell...?!

Are we rich...?

Nope, not ours...

So cold...

The people we are working with...

Dave acting cute...

The cashier and us...

Bad photography...

Stupid Dave, caught him peeping...

What are they doing?!


Time to slack...

Feeling tired...

Melvin and his GF...

Counting down the last 30 minutes...

Caught on Dave's hp camera...

They said I looked like a vampire here...

24th September 2009

* Meet up with Janey girl *

3 hairdryers needed to dry my hair...???

My Janey girl...

She went down to find Patrick...

Time to go home...

22nd September 2009

* Sophia's baby girl, Trisha *

Girl girl, look here...

Hi cutie...
* Met up with Serene, my secondary classmate *

It's been 18 months since I last saw her...

Kinda missed the old times...

She's red...
Taken with my HP...

She's so happy loh...

I think I'll just follow her pose...

Before heading home, went to look for Xiaotu...

They are a group of crazy drinkers...

20th September 2009

* Orchard *

He bought me biscuits again...
Stupid, last time I think only $19...
Now $24 per box...

And one of my favorite perfume...

15th September 2009

* Gastric problems *

Woke up around 7am with sharp pain...
So I hurried to the doctor at Hougang Central...

Stupid doctor gave the jab so roughly...

It hurts loh...
Bruised some more...

Damn, I hate needles...

12th September 2009

* Plaza Singapura *

I find this super cute loh...
And he bought it immediately for me...

7th September 2009

* Playboy gifts *

Was happy to see these...

Thanks AJ...

From Bangkok Paragon...

Love this top...