Sep 18, 2009


20th April 2009
Photoshoot with Benny

At the studio...

Dawn with her new sunglasses...

Time to make up...

Looked funny here with my hair pinned up...

My outfits for the day...

Setting up...

The resting area...

Playing around with my camera...

Having my make up done...

Catch a nap...


I wanna take these off...

Getting my eyes done...

Damn those contacts...

I'm still alright... Although eyes kinda dry...

My lunch...

Almost done...

Faster grab some fries before she turns back...


First time with such colors on my eyes...

My first outfit...
And yup, it's in PINK...!

Putting some lip gloss before getting started...

Super cold...!

The fan is blowing right at me...

My 2nd outfit...
I love this dress of mine...
Too bad, had never worn this out before...

3rd outfit...

Almost falling off...

Wonder why it's so bright...

What did Dawn do...?

LV bag for the shoot...?

Yup, this is a fashion shoot...

Luckily this coat can keep me warm for a while...

Taking a peep at the photos...

My 4th outfit...

Taken with my purple Prada pouch which Janey bought...

Last outfit...

The Gucci bag does go well with this dress...

Adjusting the bag...

Still feeling cold loh...

Dawn helping me with my dress...

My assistant for the day...

She helped to tie my hair too...

Need some tightening...

Almost done...




Wore this dress twice only...

Again over exposed...

Damn cold...!

Warm up a little bit...

Benny and my make up artist Hannah...

Close up shot...

Still feeling cold...

And tired...

I accidentally scratched myself...

After that headed down to Beauliew again...
My favorite abalone...

Kang kong...

Fried egg with onion...

I'm starving loh...

Forgot what soup le...

Sweet and sour pork...

Happy Dawn with her food...

Last dish, beancurd...


21st April 2009

Long time since I last stepped into this building...

Fish and Co...

Waiting to be served...

My lunch...!

I missed my long hair...

I'm wearing shorts k...?

When will my hair grow back to this length...?
