Sep 13, 2009

22nd Mar 09 * Beauliew

22nd March 2009

Went to Beauliew with Janey and Eddie...

What are they doing...?

Chey... Playing game...

One of my favorite...

Sweet and sour pork...

Fried egg with onion...



24th Mar 09
Night market

Shopping spree with Janey...!
Love that skull ashtray lots...!

Left - I bought it for him...
Right - Janey bought it for herself...

The Fanta drinks and my stuffs...
Only 2 items are Janey's...

Our supper...

My new mouse pad...


26th March 2009

Bought some flowers and went to Aunt's house...

Helping the maid to trim the roses...

Naughty girl...

Introducing her new toy from my mummy...

Looks fun...

Adeline playing with it...

Amelia kept disturbing her...
So she carried the whole thing into the room...

Change of position...

Back to the living room...


30th March 2009

Happy Anniversary...


1st April 2009

No it's not April Fool...!
And yes, I finished everything...!


2nd April 2009

Outing with Janey...

Lunch at Pacific Plaza...

Our mocha...

2 nerds...

A big hole in my pocket...


Make up remover, eye cream, loose powder and liquid foundation...


My lens...

Janey bought the same pair as me...


3rd April 2009

Went to pay respect to my grandparents...

My mischievous aunts...

Went to pick Amelia...

My notti girl...

I had to share this with her...

We went to the arcade...

Accompanied her bowling...

I still dont understand this game...