Sep 18, 2009


8th April 2009
Wala Wala

Bought this top from my supplier...

Went Holland Village for dinner...

Did some make up on Wendy...


Wendy and Ann

Our food...

Opps, forgot the flash...

Ann and Dawn...

The 3 of us...

Close up...

Dawn and Ann at Wala Wala...

The band...


First bottle...
We had 2 bottles of red wine and 1 bottle of white...

Met my ex classmate from Beatty...

Dawn forever making funny faces...

That's better...

What's that hanging from her mouth...?


The mushrooms...

They forced me to smile...

A kiss for Dawn...


My turn...?

Wendy and Ann again...

I wasn't ready...

Why she looked so @#(*%&#$...?


Time for a break...

Having headaches...

Leaving soon...

Jian Ming's friend...

Long time friend... Jason...


10th April 2009
Black rose

Finally, my 2nd stalk of black rose in my entire life...

Although it looks damn fake lar, but still...
It's the thought that counts...

Nice packaging...

Blue roses are my love too...

Kept it well in the fridge...
That way it will last longer...


15th April 2009

Why am i pouting...?
Cos Dawn cheated me in topping up my EZ link card...


The culprit...

Act blur...

The 3 of us again...


Candid shot...

What the hell...?

Funny face again...

I cut your tongue ah...

Pinch pinch...

Dawn, what are you trying to do sia...?!



18th April 2009

My pretty cussie, Felicia...
Brought her to my salon to get her hair dyed...
Damn cheap loh...

And then I trimmed my hair...

back view...

Close up...

The both of us before leaving the salon...

After that went to meet Joline...

At Plaza Singapura waiting for him and Janey girl...

They are both so late...


19th April 2009
Aunt house... Gathering

Alicia having tuition...

Disturbing my mum...

Amelia and I...
I looked so pale loh...

Time for Mahjong...

Amos, Felicia's BF...


My mum...

And me...

Zi mo 3 bamboo loh...
If not also don't have 5 tai haha...
Damn lucky...

Naughty Alicia...

Playing with my camera again...

Uncle Vincent...

Preparing our dinner...

Say cheese...!

Shouldn't have left my camera around...


And this is the naughty girl who 'stole' my camera...
