Aug 22, 2009

.+. New Haircut .+.

Got nothing to do on a Thursday afternoon so I decided to cut and dye my hair...
They kept asking me what color do I want but I seriously don't know...
Worse thing is, I'd tried almost all the colors they had except for white and silver and black...

After washing and drying my hair...
As usual, I gotta come back again next week to dye again...
Cos only the top part was colored...

Trimming the hair at the back...

The fringe was irritating my eyes...!

So I asked her to trim a little bit more...
In the end...
It turned out like this...


This is how I look when it's half tied up...

So... How's my new hairstyle...?

My mushroom fringe...

And my hair color...

Aug 14, 2009

I guess I'm almost done with my new blog's layout...
Was thinking on which song to put in and someone suggested " In the arms of an angel"...
I love that song and the moment I played that song, images of my grandma flooded my mind and...
Tears immediately rolled down my face like waterfall...
I just couldn't help it...
Itchy backside of me to actually play that song...

All of us missed you... And of cos, grandpa too...


After... This was taken recently... So many cute stuffs around them now... -.-"

I'm going to bed now...
Shall continue tomorrow...
Felt so so tired after crying...
Rachel just text me...
" Oh ya, hope that with this new blog you'll blog more and update more k! Haha okay nites "
I try but no promises...

Aug 12, 2009


All my tears wont keep him near

All my tears wont mend whats not here

I closed my eyes and held him close to me

I knew this will only last for a moment

It created memories never forgotten

This touch.. never to be felt again

In my dreams he was there with me

But dreams are just dreams

Knowing this dream is slipping away

Yet I cant bear to let go

I really wish things were like before

When we are both blinded by dreams

But just dreaming make me want it more..
